Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thank God - No Doctor's Appointments Today

Today was a very eventful day in the realm of being grateful for every moment. I'm blessed. I went to work - yippee. I look forward to every full day I can work. I met with a client - "Crazy Sisters Coffee" and had a great time talking with them. There are people who bring positive energy by being in their presence - these women definitely do that for me. Bless them!

I went to dinner with a friend and it was a lovely evening. Great conversation and enjoyable company. What a great way to end my day!!

As I reflect on my day I feel I need to mention my church family. It is difficult for me to express how I feel because I've only been involved in this church for a short time. It's humbling to know people are willing to reach out to me when they know so little about me. God's love for us is beyond words!

A little history - just enough - hopefully - not to bore you. I started attending Pathway Community Church two weeks before I found my first lump. I knew I needed something more in my life. Ever since I reached out to the church, they've been right beside me. Pastor Ron, Pastor Bieberstein, and other members of the church have made me feel like I'll never have to be alone again. I couldn't ask for a more supportive church family. God is soooooo very good!!! I will never underestimate His healing power. I'm so blessed to have found such a wonderful church. I'm getting more involved every day.

That's all for tonight! Sweet dreams to all.

God bless, Mary Jo

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