Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Jan.12th - Monday Jan.19th - Preop Celebration

It's been a week since I've updated this and have had several inquiries. So - I'll bring everyone up to date. Aside from a couple of doctor's appointments, I worked all week. That made me feel happy and productive.

On Tuesday, Jan. 13th I went to Parkview for all of my pre-admission testing and blood work. Oh how I love to have blood drawn - not - I'm a "hard stick" - so it's never fun. On Friday, Jan. 16th I had to have blood drawn for genetic testing. I don't know who came up with the idea of everyone sitting in the same room to have their blood drawn without a curtain or anything - but I think that's torturous. I, for one, don't like to see other people in pain. That was a tough morning. It's hard for me to think of the possibility of testing positive for the genetic mutation. That will increase my daughter and sister's chances of having breast and/or ovarian cancer. I don't know how to explain it except for it makes my heart heavy.

The rest of the day Friday was great! I had the opportunity to visit my favorite ladies at "Crazy Sisters Coffee" to end my day. Then, Friday night we had a Pre-op Celebration at Columbia Street West. I was blessed at the number of of people that were there to surround me with love. There were some people who couldn't make it but I knew they were there in spirit. My sister and her husband surprised me by driving 6 hours from Illinois!!! As soon as I figure out how to add a video to this blog you'll be able to see all of the pictures. In the meantime I'll add a couple of pictures.

I didn't do a whole lot on Saturday. My daughter has been staying with me since Thursday - which has been a great joy to me. I spent a very peaceful Saturday evening with a good friend - it was exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. I went to church on Sunday - which always gives me great peace -and lunch with good friends. That brings me to today, Monday Jan. 19th.

Today is the day before my surgery. To say I have anxiety is an understatement. I've prayed all day and have asked God for peace and strength. I'm most concerned about the people who love me - my daughter, my family, my friends. I want them to feel comforted - especially my daughter. I know she feels great deal of responsibility because she's my only child. I want that feeling lifted from her. Please pray for her and keep her in your thoughts.

I went to the plastic surgeon today. He had to make the markings on me for where my general surgeon will make the incisions. That was pretty daunting - everything is very real now. Amanda (my daughter) went with me -she's such a trooper. They were very good about letting us both know what to expect.

It's 4 am and I haven't gone to sleep. Please pray for my precious daughter that she'll feel the love and comfort I feel from God and those around us. She's so brave - but she absolutely needs some extra, tender loving care.

Good night - and please visit me. One of my fears, no matter how unrealistic, is that I'll be forgotten once I'm in the hospital. I know - I'm a goofball. Hope to see you soon!

God is good! Be at peace - and remember - "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". Thank you for showing me the kind of love that takes my breath away. May you feel the same love coming from me to you.

Sweet dreams!

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